04 October 2005

M's Turn to Turn 50

M, the love of my life, turned the big “50” today.  Needless to say he’s a little testy.  “What’s one more year,” I tell him?  I’ve already jumped that hurdle a few months back.  No big deal!  At least he doesn’t have to be concerned with hormones and menopause.  I was so glad to be living in such a hot climate while I went though those hot/cold sweats.  Fanning myself continuously was not out of the ordinary so no one seemed to notice that even though I had goose bumps I was sweating at the same time.  Glad that’s over with.  M says I’m still real moody.  But I feel like it’s getting better.  
We walked a couple of miles down to the creek nearby and found this little kingfisher.  While we watched him he dashed down into the water for something, presumably fish, maybe a bug or tadpole.   Our goal was to spot some deer.  J, oldest and son, put out a small automatic feeder that throws deer corn twice a day to try and draw them.  He’s seen a few and there are tracks everywhere.  Unfortunately, no pictures yet.  So many beautiful creations within a short walk from home.  This wildlife management thing we’ve recently signed up for has been exciting for us because we’ve become more aware of all the critters that live with us.  
Everyone’s been talking about fall.  The temps have actually dipped into the 90’s this week and the 70’s at night.  I like it in mid-winter but right now I really yearn for some of the New England sweater weather ya’ll been writing about.  BB’s camping trip has got me planning for one of our own.  It’ll probably be November before we can stand the outdoors without A/C though.  
If you’re following the saga of the dead chicken in the car…it STILL smells.  I’ve tried everything to alleviate it and only succeed in partially covering it.  Any odor removing tips would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't fret - it's not sweater weather here yet, either. Today it was about 80 and muggy. As for the chicken smell, try several boxes of baking soda, open and spread out in a flat baking pan in the car when you have it closed up. Made need to go through several boxes, but worth a try. Happy Birthday to M!