13 March 2006

Spring List Friday

"So this week's List Friday will be two-fold:Please list the words you love that bring Spring to mind. Then list the words that you are happy to leave behind as the season changes. Ten of each if you can, or however many you can muster."
The Pomegranate Challenge of the week.
So, here goes...
The winter words
Some of these I'm happy to leave behind each year but some evoke a myriad of good feeling and memories, and yes, roll off the tongue like a Spanish "r."
First, the ones I'm happy to see take a hiatus:

  • Hibernate, the practice of the gopher, bear, frog, snake and bat. Although I don't miss the snakes or bats, the word sounds like something immoral
  • Blizzard, another harsh word with even a cold, windy sound to it.
  • Bleak, a cold, gray sky, offering no hope, chasing away all warmth by it's chill air.
Here are some winter words I like the sound and feel of:

  • Persephone, the greek mythical goddess partially responsible, so the myth goes, for the creation of Winter. Her name just flows with delicious smoothness.
  • Fireplace, a common compound word, but reminicent of so much warmth. Always a treat, the fire it holds is a center of many a memory of mine.
  • Wassail, An Old English ceremonial cider, warm and sweet/tart. It's etymology stems from an old saying rendered "Good Health," and imbibers of the sweet juice would hail "Wais Heal" (think I spelled it close to right) as a toast to their companions. An odd word but strangely soothing like it's sensation while desending your throat. Good with a little dark rum.

Now that those are done with, forthwith the spring words, pregnant with a feel of fresh, light heartedness. First there's a borrowed word from our forest friend Bambi...

  • Twiterpated, such a fun word to say. Bambi's friend, the wise owl says that it's the state of creatures of the opposite sex when the spring rolls around. A sensual playfulness which causes all else to pale in significance but the pursuing of an attractive, flirtatious mate.
  • Narcissus. Daffodill type flower, full of myth and unrequited love. Based on the grek mythological youth who pined away for love of his own image reflected in a pool and was transformed into a flower. They don't last long but a such a harbinger of spring they're impossible not to love.
  • Cicada, with an acsent over the first a. a pretty ugly bug with a soft name and a shrill, droning sound that sometimes gets so loud when the weather is humid, that you can hear nothing else.
  • Vernal (Spring)Equinox and Summer Solstice both sound unusual. I can't figure out why I like their sound, but I do.
  • Printemps, a french word meaning spring or spring time. I love french sounds, gutteral yet appealing. One of my favorite dishes is Fetuccini Printemps, filled with spring veggies and color. And finally,
  • Azure, as in skies. The word is so peaceful and halcyon, (another favorite sounding word) and conjures up a picturesque sky, with no end or cloud in sight.

Those are the words I like or dislike the SOUND of now here's some words that bring winter and spring to my little mind: (remember I live in TX)

Winter: (Jan and Feb)

  • rodeo
  • brown grass
  • bare trees
  • bonfires
  • toasted marshmellows (smores)
  • amaryllis
  • blooming christmas cactus

Spring: March-April

  • fragrance of blooming fruit trees
  • scent of Lady Banksia (sp) roses
  • millions of shades of green
  • birds building nests
  • Memorial of Christ's death (this yr. April 12) and the future hopes we have because of his sacrifice
  • mountain laurel blooms (perfumey)
  • the satisfaction of a garden renewed by bare hands
  • the smell of dew on soil

The ONLY thing I don't like @ spring is pecan tree tassels. They stick onto everything and it takes the whole year to clean them up, then here it is tassel time again.

Looking forward to seeing all the other lists so I can savor them too.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I love your list! "Twiterpated" - oh, I can't wait to be twiterpated! Thank you for participating and bringing us such beauties as azure and printemps.

Now don't forget to leave a comment on my blog so others can find you!

Anonymous said...

I didn't think you could make it better, but you surely did. Interesting about the pecan tassels. We had neighbors with pecan trees in memphis but I don't recall the tassels.

and I love all the shades of green that are about.

Leanna said...

Where do I get these list prompts??? I love lists! Thank you!