18 April 2006

I Think Therefore I Meme

I'm not sure how these memes work, if you need an invitation or not- but I'm picking this up from Blackbird and passing along my version.
I AM: busy.
I WANT: a house on the side of a mountain with a creek in my back yard
I WISH: I would stop aging.
I HATE: when people are presumptuous.
I MISS: being slender.
I HEAR: birds chirping and the fish tank water falling into the tank.
I WONDER: what my kids will do/be like when they are adults.
I REGRET: not having a relationship with God sooner in my life.
I AM NOT: a quiet person.
I DANCE: anything but the marangue (too much twirling.)
I SING: show tunes (to my kids chagrin.)
I CRY: seldom.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: gardens, birdhouses, jewelry.
I WRITE: a blog for my campground, this blog(not very often) and 100's of emails.
I CONFUSE: many.
I NEED: an employee I can trust to spot me for a vacation now and then.
I SHOULD: think before I speak (rather, yell).
I START: each morning with a list of "things to do".
I FINISH: 25% of the list-more on a productive day.
I TAG: jamais.


Anonymous said...

show tunes - how many memories flood back - dramatics club, holy family, your mom, mrs. o'connor, you as "Maria", me as the dumpy nun, all the kids there, my grandmother coming to see the shows, all of it good and fun. What a gift they gave us back then, one I still remember and songs I still sing!L


Anonymous said...

Ah! The songs. And that could go with I AM NOT: A quiet person. Were you always like that?

Lena said...

Thank you for sharing all this...I really did enjoy reading it! I think you sound like an interesting and a nice person...in spite of the yelling! :>)

blackbird said...

good list...
and you never need to be invited to do a meme!