For dinner tonight we are serving a spinach salad with homemade ranch dressing and tenderloin from a "corn fed" year old doe, basted with real butter and our secret dry rub "kissed" on an open flame for 2 minutes 15 seconds each side, to perfection I might add. Bon Appetite!
Yep, Isn't your mouth watering. This culinary feast would be compliments of TT and LC.
By the way LC, "little cowboy" will here to for be referred to as MC, "Midnight Cowboy" to account for his new custom of coming home during that ungodly hour. Seventeen, as you might remember is that magical age when you suddenly incur all possible knowledge, (at least more than your parents could ever have,) and furthermore the age when the midnight hour is the BEGINNING of the evening. Needless to say some more explicit rules have been set, to the great disappointment of MC. Fortunately, to date, his record has continued to give us every reason to trust in his judgement. Unfortunately, we can't sleep if he's not safe in bed.

I so empathize with the not being able to sleep thing. My kids just don't understand that! One night I thought Jess wasn't home and I was awoken when a car crashed into the tree at the corner of Webster and Irving. I woke up screaming her name and I think my heart actually stopped. Thankfully, she was asleep in her bed, having snuck in sometime earlier....
That's some big fish!!
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